How to Love a Man: Practical Advice

If you are interested in learning how to love a man, you are in the right place. In this article we will tell you all the secrets that you must know so that any man, whoever he may be, will fall at your feet. Learn more with our blog and welcome to our chat, where you can talk to strangers.

Why are all men the same?

Before going into depth to explain techniques and give you advice, it is important to note that all men are very similar, and that there are few differences between one and another although at first glance it might seem that there are. These differences can be divided into two major groups, which we have come to call evolutionary factors and cultural factors. That is why, understanding these two concepts, you will not have any problem when conquering a man, be married, difficult, with girlfriend, single, womanizer, shy or your best friend.

They all work the same, and work the same for the reasons we will discuss below. If you in need of human contact – you can visit our video chat with strangers.

Evolutionary factors

The first factors that affect men (also women, but for other reasons) are the evolutionary factors. As you well know, we have evolved from the monkey, and since then, we have still kept many elements of monkey behavior. For example, surely you have ever seen a man lift his arms and point his genitals to mark superiority in front of another man. Well, so do chimpanzees. Raising arms to show leadership is also typical of chimpanzees. Scratching your chin when thinking, too. As you can see, the man and the chimpanzee have a lot of relationship in their body language and behavior, and in this it does not matter whether a single man, married, womanizer, faithful, shy or very extroverted. These elements inherited from the monkey go beyond these differences because they are burned in the DNA of the human being.

Cultural Factors

On the other hand, it should also be noted that there are cultural factors that make all men equal. Here, however, a qualification should be made. It is evident that the culture of an Indian will not be the same as that of a European. When we say that "all men are equal for cultural reasons," we mean, obviously, all those men who share our Western culture. Having clarified the nuance, it is simply worth noting that, since we all drink from the same cultural heritage for more than two thousand years, there are certain practices, tastes, interests, and ways of being that are very marked in both men and women, and Which also shape a way of being. This way of being can be shown in very clear elements such as the fact that, even if it is fought against it, it is still considered that the one who should perform the tasks of the household is preferably the woman, or that there are certain colors that are for women and Other colors that are for men. These other factors are not as deep and important as the evolutionary ones, but the fact is that they also constitute an element that makes all men practically the same.
